Providing the knowledge on which financial/managerial decisions can be based. Helping set guidelines to best meet your needs.
Tax Return Preparation
Helping you and your business with the ins and outs of tax return preparation and tax status.
Human Resource Services
Helping you with the administrative tasks involved in working with your employees, their benefits and payroll.
Since 1993
Putting Your Best Foot Forward!
At Bottom Line Accounting, our purpose is to set you on the right track to a successful entrepreneurial enterprise and provide the support your business needs to grow and thrive.
Whether your business is brand-new or firmly established, we have all the services you need to stay successful.
Let Bottom Line Accounting take the administrative work out off your plate so that you can concentrate on what you do best--growing your business.

For more information:
For a more detailed description of services and /or to set up a consultation, please contact me and let's get started taking care of your business needs.
Linda Forys
Owner, Bottom Line Accounting